Sector Specs dialog box

Use the Sector Specs dialog box to select which model sectors to run in a simulation.

To open the Sector Specs dialog box, choose Sector Specs from the Run menu.

Run Entire Model

Select this option to run all entities in the model. This is the default option.

Run Selected Sectors

Select this option to run one or more selected sectors only. When you select this option, use the check boxes below the option to select which sectors you want to run.

Whenever you run a model using the Run Selected Sectors option, the software applies the following rules to isolate the selected sectors from the rest of the model:

Sector check boxes

Use these check boxes to select which sectors you want to run. A check box appears for each sector in the model, but check boxes are enabled only for fully defined sectors.

A fully defined sector is one that has all entities within it defined, all flows in and out of the sector defined, and all entities on originating ends of connectors coming into the sector defined.

The sector check boxes are enabled if you selected the Run Selected Sectors option.

Clear All button

Use this button to deselect all selected sector check boxes. This button is available only when the Run Selected Sectors option is selected.